Friday, April 15, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

I was accepted into a social work program. It's at the same school where I did my undergrad work - the same school I dreamed of going to, then got in and got scholarships to make it work, then went fucking crazy and was miserable the entire time. I achieved my lifelong dream and it was taken from me, and let me tell you, it stings. This feels like maybe a second chance. I'll be working full time and going to school part time, so it won't be quite the same, but I can at least now perhaps be more engaged in my coursework and possibly make a new friend who shares my interests. I'm not quite convinced that social work is right for me, but it's been 6 years since I graduated college, 6 years of doing nothing, I've got to try something. Even if it doesn't work out, I took a shot - an EXPENSIVE shot that I'll be paying for until death, but a shot nonetheless.

I just took the Myers-Briggs personality test online. I've taken it many times before and I always get the same thing - INFJ. This personality is actually called "The Counselor" (which is what I'd like to use the social work degree for, counseling) and is apparently the rarest of all types (no surprise, I'm kind of off). I really do want to help people and I can be quite intuitive about others' problems. My worry is that I'm something of a psychic sponge. I take in people's sadness, pain, emotions...I just carry them with me. I am going to have to learn how to not do this, to do it less, or at least to cope with it.

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